
How Long Is Winter In Don't Starve

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Veterans of the Don't Starve game know that "surviving to winter is an accomplishment. Surviving through winter is an fifty-fifty greater one." To survive in the earlier days of the game requires quick thinking, conscientious planning, and no small corporeality of luck. But winter increases the difficulty by adding the cistron of temperature to the equation, as well equally robbing y'all of some easy nutrient and constitute-based detail sources. Now, this may audio incommunicable due to the unforgiving harshness of the early game, but it's non incommunicable to survive. Action buttons provided are for Don't Starve PC (Windows, OSX, Linux) and panel (PS4).

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    Gather your supplies. If you're lucky enough to last two weeks in the game, you'll notice the atmospheric condition slowly growing colder and the aesthetics of the game gaining a cooler tone. This sets in by solar day xvi of the game, and if you're caught unprepared, then you'll definitely freeze to death. And so before anything else, before solar day sixteen hits and yous're left frozen, brand sure to gather as much materials and resources every bit possible. Items like Berries and Saplings don't grow back during Winter, which means you wouldn't go any of those for 16 days. Yous need possession of at to the lowest degree a Science Auto earlier wintertime, only an Alchemy Engine is fifty-fifty more than preferable. With them around, you lot could create many sources of food, protection, and warmth y'all'll be needing for the harshest 16 days of your playthrough. Fifty-fifty if you're playing Reign of Giants, Wintertime is still the harshest season of the game. Preparation must start at day fourteen at the absolute latest, since you'll be using day 15 to do some last-minute checking and to brace yourself against the common cold, figuratively speaking.

    • You tin can assemble most of your necessary materials by going upwardly to information technology and left-clicking (PC) or pressing Ten (PS4) on the item. Berries, Carrots, Stones, Flintstone, Twigs, and Cutting Grass must be stockpiled obsessively since Berries and Twigs don't grow in the wintertime. Carrots, Stones, and Flint don't abound back, and Grass grows extremely slowly in the winter. Carrots tin be constitute poking out of the ground. Berry bushes are scattered around the world. Stone and Flint can exist picked upwardly anywhere, though Stone is less common. Twigs come from dried-out bushes called Saplings, and Cut Grass tin be gathered from long, yellowing tufts of grass institute nearly everywhere in the world. Rock and Flint can exist more hands acquired by mining boulders with a pickaxe, and Logs have to be chopped from trees with an axe.
    • You'll be needing at least a Pickaxe and an Axe to gather some of the required materials for prolonged survival. They're both available through the Tool tab, represented by a crossed axe and pickaxe icon. Axes cost ane each of Twig and Flint (sharp-looking rock that'southward scattered everywhere in the game), while pickaxes cost 2 each of the same materials. To use, select them by correct-clicking on the tool (PC) or scrolling to information technology with the right analog stick and pressing the right button of the D-pad (PS4). Go up to the tree (axe) or boulder (pickaxe) and hold downwards the left mouse button (PC) or 10 button (PS4) to wear them downwardly to states yous can get together with.
    • Making a Science Machine requires a Gold Nugget, 4 Logs, and four Stones, and is made in the Scientific discipline tab, which is located in your crafting hotbar (correct-hand section of your screen on PC and L2 on the PS4) and represented past an atom icon. An Alchemy Engine tin be fabricated in a Science Machine for 3 Cut Stone and 4 Boards under the Science tab.
      • Yous can gather Gold Nuggets by trading Meats to the Hog Male monarch (if he's available in the current world); mining yellowish-streaked Boulders, which are dominantly available in rockylands; or finding them scattered around Graveyards.
    • Trees are not affected past winter, and yous tin can go on planting as many copse equally you want in wintertime and keep chopping them downwards. To plant a tree, you need a pinecone dropped from felled copse. Select it and right-click (PC) or printing the left management button (PS4) on your chosen spot to place your tree. In about a day in the game, your tree will sprout up into an actual tree, which you lot can chop down immediately. You can also await some other solar day or so for it to grow bigger, and thus yield more wood. Small trees only yield 1 log, bigger copse yield 2 logs, and fully grown copse yield 3.
  2. 2

    Grab nutrient. Bated from Berries and Carrots, you need Meats and perhaps even constitute a few crops to stockpile. You can acquire meats easily through trapping, and you'll need a farm plot to grow produce. Only but trapping remains a steady source of nutrient during winter, since subcontract plots freeze over when wintertime hits.

    • To make a trap, you need 6 Cut Grass and 2 Twigs, and you can craft information technology in the Survival tab, represented by a looped rope icon. In one case created, place it near or on superlative of a rabbit hole, which is a modest hole in the ground found in grasslands and savannahs, and so wait until a rabbit is caught. Once caught, the trap will rattle and spring effectually. If yous choice it up, you'll go both the trap and the rabbit. You can and so re-use the trap for vii more times earlier it disappears. Y'all'll need to "murder" the rabbit before yous can make use of the meat, though. Right-clicking (PC) information technology or pressing the right direction button (PS4) when a rabbit is selected will exercise the trick.
    • With a Scientific discipline car, you lot can likewise arts and crafts a Bird Trap for 3 Twigs and iv Silk through the Survival tab, and functions similarly to a trap, simply only catches birds. Yous can get silk from killing Spiders, which are normally found in their Dens, which resemble a white mound with cobwebs.
    • To brand a farm plot, you demand at least a Science Machine, and you tin can make through the Food tab, represented past a buried carrot icon, for eight Grass, four Manure and 4 Logs. Y'all can get Manure from Beefalo, which excrete them regularly at random intervals and found in savannahs. You can also become Manure by feeding a pig, establish individually in random spots in the map or collectively in huge villages normally found at the end of roads, with some non-meat food (berries, carrots, produce from farm plots, cave bananas, etc.), excluding seeds. Once you've placed the subcontract plot, you tin can identify a seed into it by selecting the seed and interacting with the farm. You can either expect for it to abound slowly throughout the day or pile manure on it until it grows. Once grown, but interact with the crop to gather it, and congratulations! You now have some nutrient!
      • There is a amend version of a farm plot that grows crops faster. You tin can go far through an Alchemy Engine for ten Grass, 8 Manure, and four Rock. But they both yield the same crops either mode.


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    Build your camp. While Don't Starve doesn't take any traditional building mechanics like other sandbox games, you tin can withal make an impressive hideout for your survival needs. At the very least y'all'll need at to the lowest degree a Pit Fire, v Drying Racks ready and Drying Meat, plus some storage for leftover vegetables and berries from your foraging ventures.

    • To make a Pit Fire, you need 12 Stones and 2 Logs. You don't need your Science Machine or Abracadabra Engine to make i. Head over to the Light tab, represented by a flame in your crafting hotbar, and then select the second option at that place. Pit Fires are permanent structures and can proceed you warm for a very long fourth dimension every bit long as you go on feeding it fuel. Even when it's extinguished, you can simply rekindle information technology by dumping fuel into it. You tin can besides make regular Campfires for 2 Cut Grass and 2 Logs, but information technology isn't permanent, and you have to keep information technology going indefinitely or it extinguishes and leaves only a pile of ashes. Y'all tin can also make a torch with two Twigs and Grass, which provides you temporary portable lite and heat, but isn't as good equally Campfire or Pit Fires.
      • To feed fuel to a Campfire or Pit Fire, select some combustible textile (logs, grass, twigs, manure, petals, and grass or log suits are some flammable fabric), then collaborate with the burn down by clicking on it (PC) or pressing X (PS4). It will immediately drop the fuel into the flames and eat 1 unit of said material.
    • To create a drying rack, you lot'll need 3 Ropes, 3 Charcoals, and 3 Twigs. To use, just select a piece of meat of any kind, except meaty seedling, and interact with the rack. The meat is then placed on the rack and dries into jerky in a few days, which is one of the best foodstuff in the game. Keeping plenty of jerky around during winter is a great way to continue yourself live, good for you, and sane.
      • You can get charcoal past burning down a tree with a torch, only you take to be careful since fire spreads, and you might accidentally burn down your entire campsite with a unmarried careless flame.


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    Keep warm. Keeping warm is the well-nigh vital part of winter survival. At dangerously low temperatures, you'll starting time freezing, which decreases your health periodically in huge amounts. There are many ways to go on warm, such as staying virtually your burn, wearing dress, or carrying a thermal rock in your inventory hotbar.

    • Wear tin can be created through the Wearing apparel tab, which is represented by a green acme hat icon. The easiest to make is Rabbit Earmuffs, which costs ii Rabbits and i Twig, and tin can exist crafted through a science machine. The warmest vesture require hard-to-become materials, and then unless you want to expend a lot of effort into getting them or have gotten them early enough, and then by all means, make them!
    • Once you have an Abracadabra Engine, y'all tin can craft a thermal rock in the Survival tab, for 10 Stones, 3 Flints, and a pickaxe. To utilize, drop information technology on the ground next to a fire, then await until it turns bright orangish. And so choice it up and continue it with y'all always! Placing it directly in your crafting inventory would proceed you much warmer for a long time than keeping it in a backpack. Alternately, you can simply allow it recharge by standing virtually a burn down.
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    Hunt whenever you can. Your simply reliable source of nutrient is Meat. While you may have some vegetables and berries left over in scattered bushes, farm plots, and maybe even a few carrots left in the ground, they'll eventually run out if you rely on those. Trapping rabbits and birds volition be your most reliable method of procuring food throughout the game, and must be done in a regular basis to supplement your stockpiled rations.

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    Avoid the winter mobs. One time winter sets in, 2 very unsafe mobs spawn. Ane of them is the Walrus Hunting Party, and the other is the extremely unsafe Deerclops. Tackling them unprepared is tantamount to suicide, and even with ample grooming you'll however have the short end of the stick during encounters, so information technology's best not antagonize them unless you're feeling very lucky or have acquired late-game weapons and armors.

    • Walrus Hunting Parties spawn in pre-determined campsites. They're distinguishable past a cerise round mark on the ground during the warmer season and becomes a full-fledged igloo once the cold sets in. If yous wait at the map (tab on PC, touch pad on PS4), it would be represented by an igloo regardless of flavor. The Walrus duo are active in the day and sleep at night, and have 2 Blue Hounds guarding the igloo. If they spot y'all, they'll trail afterward you over a huge distance and can be very difficult to shake off, much less defeat, though thankfully they only start attacking you if you're about them or if you hit them get-go.
    • Deerclops immediately spawn in random areas of the map once winter sets in and will roam effectually until it finds the role player. Deerclops are much more than dangerous than the other winter mobs, and would gleefully trample and annihilate your camp if information technology manages to detect you there. Don't even endeavour to fight it if it does find you. Just hit information technology once to lure it away from your army camp and proceed running until it loses interest.


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    What is the best character to use for winter conditions?

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    I tend to choose Willow, as she can set fire to objects and forbid freezing. It's also good to have a big supply of nonperishable food in storage.

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  • For more efficient survival, don't choice upwardly carrots and berries or harvest any of the fruits or veggies in your subcontract for at least four days from wintertime. They won't rot in either versions if you lot get out them there, plus it lets you stockpile more than food easily.

  • When playing as Wilson in the Vanilla game, and Webber in RoG, keeping your beards fully grown during winter volition add to your warmth. In Wilson's case, he tin remain warm for upward to ii days without fifty-fifty going almost a fire, equally long as he has a fully-grown bristles and the right dress, but y'all tin can easily continue him moderately warm for a while with just his beard and a thermal rock.

  • When using warm clothes, make sure to take them off every night when kindling or re-kindling your campfire or pit burn down. This volition keep the apparel' durability from being drained, since you can just stay most the burn for warmth and go on it going with fuel.

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